Products For Salt Water Control

Many houses that reside right on the beach or near any ocean for that matter are constantly dealing with storms that bring high tides and a lot of salt water flooding. Being so close to such a large source of salt water, it can be extremely difficult to prepare through inconvenient methods like sandbags in order to control the flooding.

They keys to preparation for salt water flooding or any kind of flooding for that matter are convenience and effectiveness. If you have easy-to-use solutions that are simple to deploy and significantly protect your house, then you have yourself some go-to products for every flood emergency to come.

We have a wide variety of products to help combat all types of potential flooding. Some have specific uses for specific jobs so we like to suggest the ones that will be most effective for your particular situation. That’s why today you will find our recommendations for products to protect from salt water flooding.

Water Curb

The Water Curb is a barrier that you fill with hose water and place accordingly to block potential flooding. It is compact, lightweight & easy to use. You can store this product empty and then fill it on site as needed.  Simply empty the water out when the flood water recede and store away for next time. 

Water Curb has dual chambers that when filled prevents rolling out of position. This product is durable and chemical resistant. For salt water needs, this is an easy go-to product that is simple and effective.

This particular product is great for doorways, garages, and more. To learn even more about the Water Curb check it out right HERE or just click on the picture below.

Water Curb


FloodGate is meant for doorway flood protection and will protect from water up to 26in high. The FloodGate stops water in its path and can be used both inside and outside. No alterations are needed and it can be used in doorways that open in or out.

This product protects from any kind of water. The significance behind the FloodGate is that it provides an effective flood solution to those who live near large salt water areas and could experience higher amounts of flooding. Spanning from 30 inches to 50 inches wide, this product can adjust to multiple types of doorways to ensure protection, leaving the doorway accessible by stepping over while in use. 

It may look like a big product that will take a daunting process to install but that couldn’t be further from the truth. FloodGate is easy to use and installs in just minutes. Once installed, the neoprene sleeve creates a water tight seal around its expandable sturdy frame to protect your doorway.

But wait! There’s more! If you’re looking for larger doorway solutions the FloodGate has the ability to be connected to multiple units in order to create a larger area of protection.

Check out the FloodGate HERE or click the picture below and start protecting your home today.


Water Gate

For large area water control we recommend using the Water Gate. This product is a portable dam that controls, contains, & diverts water before it becomes a problem to your home or business. By rolling the Water Gate out in the path of problem water it rises and opens from water pressure on contact.

Water Gate is quick and easy to deploy with minimal labor while also being compact & requires minimal storage. This product is flexible and forms to any surface and units are connectable with heavy duty velcro straps The .Water Gate is made from an ultra strong durable fabric that will last for years and replace the need for THOUSANDS of sandbags.  

Up against salt water, this product provides protection anywhere from 6 inches all the way to 5 feet high. The Water-Gate has been perfectly engineered that actually uses the water it is filled with to keep in place and rise.   

The Water Gate has been both tested and approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers and has shown to fully protect against problem water.

Check out all the different sizing options of the Water Gate HERE and see which one is the best fit for your flood control needs.

Water Gate

Those are some of our recommendations for solutions to salt water flooding. Remember that it is EXTREMELY important to start preparing for potential flooding as soon as possible. It only takes one storm to cause a significant amount of flood damage that could leave you spending thousands of dollars in repairs.

Don’t take the chance, start preparing today!